오페라의 유령 중 All I Ask Of You를 cover해 보았습니다.
주인공 크리스틴과 라울이 사랑을 나누며 부르는 노래에요.
가사가 참 예뻐서.. 결혼식 때 축가로 서로에게 불러주면 좋을 것 같다는 생각이 들어요. ^^
(내 결혼식때 그렇게 해볼걸... ㅎ)
No more talk of darkness
Forget these wide eyed fears
I'm here nothing can harm you
My words will warm and calm you
Let me be your freedom
Let daylight dry your tears
I'm here with you beside you
To guard you and to guide you
Say you'll love me
every waking moment
Turn my head
with talk of summer time
Say you need me
with you now and always
Promise me
that all you say is true
That's all I ask of you
Let me be your shelter
Let me be your light
You're safe
no one will find you
Your fears are far behind you
All I want is freedom
A world with no more night
And you always beside me
To hold me and to hide me
Then say you'll share with me
one love one lifetime
Let me lead you from your solitude
Say you walk me with you here
beside you
Anywhere you go
let me go too
That's all I ask of you
Say you'll share with me
one love one lifetime
Say the word
and I will follow you
Share each day with me
each night each morning
Say you love me
You know I do
Love me that's all I ask of you
Anywhere you go
let me go too
Love me that's all I ask of you
ㅠㅠ 가사 진짜 너무 좋아요.
연주한 악보는 아래의 링크에서 구입하실 수 있습니다.
악보 > 오페라의 유령 OST - All I Ask Of You (원 key, 3단) by Soultree piano
오페라의 유령의 All I Ask Of You cover해 보았습니다. 사랑하는 연인의 마음이 잘 드러나는 가사라... 결혼식에서 서로에게 축가로 불러주어도 좋을 것 같다는 생각이 들었어요. 즐겁게 연주해 보셔
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